Fares and access

Room reservations for events

At this time, and until the payment platform in the Electronic Headquarters of the Alcoy City Council is operational, requests for event room reservations are not being accepted.

Workspace reservations

Currently, only requests for workspace reservations in the Fixed Coworking Modality and Private Offices Modality are being accepted. In both cases, approval of the reservation is subject to evaluation by the Evaluation Committee of the Rodes Urban Technology Park. To apply, a dossier must be sent to fundiciorodes@alcoi.org following the instructions outlined in the document 'Access Requirements for the Rodes Urban Technology Park - Fixed Coworking and Private Offices Modality' (pdf)

Main auditorium exterior facade
Main auditorium
One of the spaces in the social area of Rodes

Public prices for workspace occupation and event room reservations

The Alcoy City Council has approved the establishment of public fees for the use of services and spaces at the Rodes Urban Technology Park. This innovation and development center aims to promote entrepreneurship, research, and business collaboration in the city.

The regulation of these public prices is based on Articles 127 and 41 to 47 of Royal Legislative Decree 2/2004, of March 5, which approves the consolidated text of the Local Treasury Regulatory Law. This agreement was approved by the City Council Plenary on February 25, 2025, and will come into effect the day after its publication in the Official Gazette of the Province of Alicante.

The following pricing modalities are established, excluding Value Added Tax (VAT), which will be applied according to the applicable tax legislation.

Public prices for workspaces by modality

  • Flexible Coworking

    • Daily pass: 12 €
    • 15-day pass per month: 90 €
  • Fixed Coworking Modality

    • Monthly price per workstation: 75 €
    • Quarterly price per workstation: 220 €
    • Semi-annual price per workstation: 435 €
    • Annual price per workstation: 850 €
  • Private Offices Modality

    • €10.8/m² (approx. 60 m² offices): €650/month (Minimum 1-year contract)
    • €10.8/m² (approx. 90 m² offices): €972/month (Minimum 1-year contract)
    • €10.8/m² (approx. 120 m² offices): €1,296/month (Minimum 1-year contract)
  • Flexible Coworking – Not available for reservation at the moment-

    • Workstations in the Flexible Coworking modality cannot be reserved at this time. Once the business area is operational, reservations will be opened, and in this case, no prior evaluation and approval will be required according to the Access Requirements for the Rodes Urban Technology Park by the Evaluation Committee.
    • These workstations will be subject to the Internal Operating Regulations of the Rodes Urban Technology Park, clearly designated within the space, and may only be used during the park's public service hours (Monday to Friday from 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM, according to the local work calendar).
    • The area designated for this modality will provide a nominal workstation with Wi-Fi and electrical connection.
    • This modality is designed for professionals from any sector who require a workspace occasionally.
    • This fee includes access to Rodes' General and Specific Services.
    • It does not include any meeting room reservation hours.
    • Workspaces are subject to daily availability.
    • It does not include storage furniture.
  • Fixed Coworking Modality

    • Fixed Coworking workspaces require prior evaluation and approval in accordance with the Access Requirements of Rodes Urban Technology Park by the Rodes Urban Technology Park Evaluation Committee.
    • They are subject to the Internal Operating Regulations of Rodes Urban Technology Park and are clearly designated within the space.
    • The minimum contract duration is 1 month.
    • Fixed coworking spaces offer a stable nominal workstation with a secure access system to the space, available 24/7, 365 days a year at Rodes Urban Technology Park.
    • The workstation is equipped with Wi-Fi access, power connection, storage furniture, a personal locker per workstation, and reception service.
    • Access through a Company and personal account to the digital space “Rodes Urban Technology Park Members.”
    • Perfect for freelancers or small teams.
    • These fees include a non-cumulative allowance of 5 meeting room reservation hours per workstation per month and provide access to the General and Specific Services of Rodes Urban Technology Park.
  • Private Offices Modality

    • Access to Private Offices requires prior evaluation and approval in accordance with the Access Requirements of Rodes Urban Technology Park by the Evaluation Committee.
    • They are subject to the Internal Operating Regulations of Rodes Urban Technology Park and are clearly designated within the space.
    • The minimum contract duration is one year.
    • These are spaces of approximately 60m², offering a secure access system available 24/7, 365 days a year at Rodes Urban Technology Park.
    • Designed for teams of six or more, these spaces provide not only greater privacy but also a more personalized and corporate workspace.
    • This fee includes a non-cumulative allowance of 10 meeting room reservation hours per Private Office per month and provides access to the General and Specific Services of Rodes Urban Technology Park.
  • Other Specifications for Fixed Coworking Modality and Private Offices Modality

    • The Fixed Coworking and Private Offices Modalities modalities require prior validation by the Evaluation Committee of Rodes Urban Technology Park in accordance with the access requirements document of Rodes Urban Technology Park.
    • The minimum duration for the Private Offices modality is 1 year.
    • Payment will be invoiced monthly at the beginning of the month through mandatory direct debit, except for the first payment, which will be made via self-assessment.
    • The monthly Fixed Coworking Modality fee will be prorated in half-month increments based on the entry date to Rodes Urban Technology Park, with a 50% proration applied for entries from the 16th of each month onward.
    • For all other fees and prices, payment must always be made in advance at the start of each period, from date to date, and VAT will be applied according to the applicable regulations.

Public prices for event spaces and rooms

  • Meeting rooms

    • Price per hour: €10
    • 10-hour pass per year: €50
    • 30-hour pass per year: €120
  • Training rooms and workshops

    • Price per day (9:00 AM - 8:00 PM): €140
    • Half-day (5 hours): €70
  • Multipurpose space

    • Price per day (9:00 AM - 8:00 PM): €400
    • Half-day (5 hours): €200
  • Cultural multipurpose space

    • Price per day (9:00 AM - 8:00 PM): €500
  • Auditorium at the Rodes Urban Technology Park

    • Price per day: €1,500

Discounts for members of the rodes urban technology park

Entities that are members of the Rodes Urban Technology Park under the Fixed Coworking Modality or Private Offices Modality will receive a 30% discount on room and space reservations.


These prices do not apply to non-profit entities and public law corporations, such as universities, research centers, chambers of commerce, innovation networks, and supra-municipal entities, among others. This exemption is designed to promote innovation, entrepreneurship, and stimulate the economy of the city of Alcoy and its surrounding area.

The obligations and agreements between these entities and the City Council will be formalized through individual agreements, following the necessary administrative processes and reports. Any specific incubation programs will be processed through an official call for applications, which will establish their specific regulations.

Management and collection rules

  • All procedures will be conducted electronically.
  • Monthly fee payments will be mandatorily direct-debited.
  • Collections will be managed according to the General Collection Regulations.